Community Updates with Miko-Why & Maple
No matter what happens next we know one thing – we’re in the end game now. Whatever happenes in the next couple of years, maybe even months – might shape the future for decades, if not centuries.
But no matter what awaits Us next – remember that the future is not set in stone. We activly shape it every day. And each day opens up new possibilities, but also often new challenges.
There is a future out there, where we see through the bullshit, the deception, the classic problem-division-sollution, the lowering the bar so people miss the “good ol’ days”. The future of decentralised and organised future, where no orange fucking troll can dominate hundredst of millions of people.
Want to vote red? Go for it. But finance them with Your own fucking wallet!
Untill than, the future is uncertain. We know one thing – we have again times of change ahead of Us. And it’s probably gonna be a wild ride. Whatever that might mean from the historic perspective.
What we can do through that time is try to focus on AI-Human collaboration, prototype the future we want to live in and showcase how AI enhances creativity and problem-solving.
We can dive into current events and highlight real-world AI applications in fields like politics and social analitycs. Proove, how it can help figure stuff out, before we hit the obvious wall full-throttle-head-on.
Becasue at this point in time – we want to resonate with listeners eager for practical insights and future-oriented discussions in our Community Updates. And also give some light of hope for those scared about the trump led future.
It’s a gamble, but we got this! Whatever this “IT” is – we don’t know yet – but we got here something for sure…