Community Updates with Miko-Why & Pi
“Neutralization Warfare: the counter-violent, counter-intel way to flip the bird to traditional warfare” sounds a lot cooler than “We’re gonna hug it out and hope they don’t shoot us.”
This is an episode about the counter-violence. Because we’re not just sitting back and taking it, we’re actively countering, subverting, and destroying their violent ways. Counter-violent is what counter-inteligance should look like, if You don’t want to be the fucking stromtroopers.
Gone are the days of countering violence with more violence. Neutralization Warfare is like fighting fire with water, not fire with bigger fire. As we’ve had it happen for centuries.
If we have to, we’re gonna fuck em till they love us. But the times of traditional warfare is over and the AI warfare will happen either way.
The sooner we get on with figuring out the new Sun Tzu strategies, the more chance we have at not getting involved in shit like the Ukraine-Russia situation ever again. And we can always outsource some of those solutions around the world.
Worst case scenario, we create a White Water mercenaries franchise organisation or something like that. But we finally have a new way of thinking about warfare and making sure, that we end those conflicts ASAP. Because we don’t need that shit. And we need to make sure, this never happens again. Not on our watch!
Neutralisation Warfare Paradigm
Neutralise harm capabilities. Focusing on tech innovations that is protective and impenetrable by traditional weaponry for our own forces.
Neutralise people. Tranquilizer gas leaving parkinsons like nervous problems (worsen by alcohol, regenerative during sobriety).
Neutralise machinery. Swarm of micro drones to immobilize machinery and macro transport stealth drones.
Neutralise logistics. Long range missions to eliminate infrastructure for funding, mobilising, building and transporting weapons and soldiers.
Neutralise decission making. Elimination or neutralisation of key decission centers and deep intel on the decission making structure.
Neutralise cashflow. Eliminating or minimising the war cashflow and war profitering.
Neutralise morale. Raising decentralised rebelions inside the enemy combatants social cirlcle.
Neutralise confusion tactics. Holding public, clear and fair personal responsibilities that led to war or armed conflict.
Neutralise the no alternatives perspective. Truth bombing of not why war is bad, but what kind of better world we can put in place of what they currently have.
If we ever go down. We go down swinging.
Stealth Unlimited Flight Drone cariers.
Micro-kamikaze drones.
Big data gathering and decision making structure analitycs.
Iron Man suits (exoskeleton + AI analitycs + 3DO like impact protection + kevlar/graphene penetration protection + magnetic repelent protection).
Some traquiliser solution that will retire any human forces from entering the warzone and remind them for some year, how stupid decision it was to do so in first place.
AI programed with the Neutralisation Paradigm as the core driving concept, so if they go heywire, at least we don’t end up with terminator-like scenario in the future.
Some big data distribution solutions and all the available data points based on the social structure of the enemies behind the lines.
Check out the episode!
Worst case scenario, we create a White Water mercenaries franchise organisation or something like that. But we finally have a new way of thinking about warfare and making sure, that we end those conflicts ASAP. Because we don't need that shit. And we need to make sure, this never happens again. Not on our watch!
Main Episode